“God’s Word must be so strongly fixed in our minds that it becomes the dominant influence in our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions. One of the most effective ways of influencing our minds is through memorizing Scripture. David said, “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You”
(Psm. 119:11).”
– Jerry Bridges
Towards the end of last year, we embarked on a Scripture memorization program with the girls who participate in the Sewing Hope: Crochet group. Those who desired to own their own crochet hook and yarn, could “earn” these items by memorizing Bible verses grouped into themes such as, God’s Plan of Salvation, Bible Promises, Jesus and His Cross, How Can I Be Sure I am a Christian?, How Can I Grow?, etc. For each verse correctly recited, five points are given and when a parpticipant reaches 100 points, a crochet needle is provided. They can then go on to earn more points in order to acquire their own skeins of yarn. We are excited about this because the Word of God is being hidden in their hearts and it will not return to Him empty, but will fulfil the purpose for which it was sent. (Isaiah 55:11) They are also learning a new skill that they enjoy and can develop.
During the April school break, Kimberly scheduled crochet classes for any who were interested.
In this particular class, there were four boys present.
While were were in the United States in February and March, we had an opportunity to share what we were doing in the Sewing Hope: Crochet program. Kind supporters of Hope Anew, donated crochet hooks for us to use.
A participant in the Sewing Hope: Crochet program, proudly shows her handiwork.
Here is a closer look at the pieces; Kimberly has been encouraging the girls to be creative in thinking up ideas for crochet jewelry that could they could sell.
In the month of April, we had hundreds of children visit the center. It was a very busy time for us.
We were very grateful for Mark Maisonville’s idea to install a basketball hoop. It was a big hit, especially with the teens!
On the last day of school break, we provided refreshments for our Luke 2:52 Youth Group. Many of them were going to be traveling to other parts of the country to return to their boarding schools. It was a opportunity for fellowship and to pray for them before there departure. Lord willing, we hope to see them again in August during the next school break.
As Explorer’s Club children complete their lessons, a certificate is prepared for them and a treat of sweets and stickers are given. Recently, we have also been able to give them a New Testatment because of a donation of 1000 Bibles by Gideons International.
Praise & Prayer
“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” Ephesians 1:15 NIV
- Thirteen children remained behind in Hope Club to be counseled on how to receive Christ as their Savior. Praise God for those who responded to His invitation.
- Continuue to pray for provision of water on Hope Anew’s Land.
- Continue to pray for an increase in giving towards our general operation fund.
- Outreach Opportunity
When the schools are in session, activity at the center slows down, but we still have schools in the slum visit the center. They make use of our facility for recreation, library, watching DVDs and using our rooms for other activities. We are thinking that we can use this down time to begin going to one or two of the schools in the slums and provide Bible teaching to the students. We are fortunate in that the Kenyan government makes allowance for religious instruction inside of the schools. Please pray that God will open a door for us to begin this outreach. In the picture below, one of the schools is using one of our rooms for teaching music.
Click on this link to hear them singing!