Statement of Faith
Hope Anew, its leadership and staff, do affirm and declare their belief in and the defense of the historic Christian faith as set forth in the following:
1. We believe that the Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments, is the very Word of God, verbally inspired in all parts by the Holy Spirit and therefore without error in the original manuscripts, and that the Bible is the supreme and final authority in faith and conduct. Thus we affirm the historic values and morals of the Bible in all areas of life.
2. We believe in one infinite God, eternally self-existing in three distinct Persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; the upholder of all things, distinct from and sovereign over the universe.
3. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the image of the invisible God, the eternal Word and unique Son of God; who, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, continues forever as both true God and true Man, one Person with two natures; who gave Himself in death upon the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sin of the world; who arose from the dead in the same body in which He was crucified; in which body He ascended into Heaven, where He is now our High Priest, interceding for us.
4. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is the Third Person of the Godhead; who came forth from the Father and the Son to convict the world of sin and to regenerate and indwell those who believe; who was sent to seal, sanctify, guide, teach, and empower those who follow Christ, that they might truly worship and serve the Triune God.
5. We believe that man was created in the image of God; that by willful disobedience to the revealed will of God, man in every part of his nature was corrupted by sin and thereby incurred, not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God; that man became the progenitor of a fallen race, so that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and, in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, become sinners in thought, word, and deed; and that man is by himself utterly incapable of remedying his lost condition.
6. We believe in salvation from sin by God’s grace; that salvation is the free gift of God received exclusively through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; that all who trust in Him are granted forgiveness of sins on the ground of His shed blood, and that they are born spiritually and thereby become children of God.
7. We believe that the one true Church is composed of all who through saving faith in Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united together in the Body of Christ, of which He is the head; and that its mission is to witness concerning its Lord, preaching the gospel among all nations, baptizing and teaching those who believe.
8. We believe in the personal and imminent return from heaven of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.
9. We believe in the bodily resurrection and everlasting conscious fellowship in glory with Christ of all who are saved; and in the bodily resurrection, the final judgment, and the everlasting, conscious punishment of all who are finally impenitent.